Call for Applications for the Fulbright African Research Scholar Program, 2020-2021 Academic Year

Call for Applications for the Fulbright African Research Scholar Program, 2020-2021 Academic Year Call for Applications for the Fulbright African Research Scholar Program, 2020-2021 Academic Year The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Consulate General in Lagos is pleased to announce the annual call for applications for the Fulbright African Research Scholar Program(ARSP) for the 2020/2021 academic year. This program, funded by the United States Department of State offers senior faculty members from Nigerian universities, the opportunity to conduct research at U.S. institutions for a minimum of three (3) months and a maximum of nine (9) months. The selection process and final award of grants are extremely competitive. The Fulbright African Research Scholar Program offers two categories of grants: research grants and program and curriculum development grants. 1. Research Grants: Awards of 3 to 9 months are offered under the research grants for Nigerian university faculty or research institute professionals to conduct research in any academic discipline at a U.S. academic or research institution beginning no earlier than August 2020 and no later than March 2021. Applicants must hold a doctorate or equivalent terminal degree in their fields. Preference will be given to individuals who have at least three years of university teaching experience and a productive scholarly record. 2. Program and Curriculum Development Grants: Awards of 3 to 5 months are offered under program and curriculum development grants for Nigerian university faculty or administrators to conduct research in any academic discipline at a U.S. academic or research institution beginning no earlier than August 2020 and no later than March 2021. Proposals should be linked to professional duties and demonstrate how the scholar will use the knowledge gained to develop new courses, curricula, or other academic programs at the home institution. These grants are designed for university faculty or administrators with less experience and who may not have had recent access to research or instructional developments in their disciplines. A doctorate degree is not required, but applicants must hold a minimum of a master’s or equivalent graduate degree. Grant Benefits: The grant covers the candidate’s J-1 visa, round trip airfare to the U.S., a settling-in allowance, professional allowance, monthly stipend, housing allowance, books-and-supplies allowance, and computer allowance. The grant also covers basic university health insurance as a primary insurance coverage and the Fulbright ASPE health benefit as secondary coverage. Also, the grant covers travel of one dependent if he/she will stay with the grantee for at least 80% of the grant period. Moreover, it covers the dependent allowance. Program Timeline: Application opens on February 1, 2019 and the strict deadline for submitting online applications is June 1, 2019. All supporting documents must be uploaded online by the application deadline to receive consideration. Application and Instructions: Applications must be completed online at Applicant should click on “create an account” to start a new application. Eligibility Requirements: 1. An intended applicant must be a citizen of Nigeria or a permanent resident, and should hold a valid passport issued by the Nigerian government. 2. The ARSP is open to scholars in all disciplines and without regard to gender or age; however, proposals for clinical medical research involving patient contact cannot be approved under the Fulbright Program. 3. Applicants for research grants must hold a doctorate degree or equivalent terminal degree in their fields. Preference is given to individuals who have at least three years of university teaching experience and a productive scholarly record. 4. Applicants without doctorate degrees but who hold a master’s or equivalent graduate degree are eligible in the program and curriculum development category. 5. Applications for doctoral dissertation research, postdoctoral research immediately following the completion of a doctorate degree, or general professional travel, are ineligible. 6. Preference will be given to candidates who have not previously received a Fulbright scholar grant. 7. Preference will be given to candidates who have had no experience or limited experience in the U.S. 8. Applicants must be in good health. Successful candidates will be asked to submit a Medical History and Examination Report. 9. Scholars must indicate the grant category for which they are applying (research grant or program and curriculum development grant). 10. Each application must include three letters of reference. 11. Letters of invitation from U.S. academic or research institutions are strongly encouraged but not required. Applicants unfamiliar with U.S. institutions may request that the Institute of International Education (IIE) identify suitable placements. 12. Although TOEFL exams are not required but applicants must have sufficient proficiency in English to carry out their research projects and collaborate effectively with colleagues. 13. Scholars who were unsuccessful in previous competitions may re-apply. Repeat applicants should revise their proposals, update curriculum vitae, and obtain current letters of reference. We urge applicants to contact Fulbright alumni for guidance with the application process, if possible. Should you have questions regarding this program, please send an email to We look forward to receiving applications from your institutions by the deadline. Sincerely, Clemson. Clemson Ayegbusi • Public Affairs Section • U.S. Consulate General • 2 Walter Carrington Crescent, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria • ( (+234)-1-460-3603 • best wishes Professor Obinna Onwujekwe Director of Research

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