Behold our New UNN Deans and their Visions

After a keenly contested election at various faculties, the Vice-Chancellor approved change of leadership by appointing new Deans who will superintend over administrative and academic affairs in the 17 Faculties of the university. Consequently, staff of Information and Public Relations Unit went round the Faculties to find out the visions and action plans of the new Deans. Excerpts:  

Prof Agwu Ekwe Agwu

Dean Agriculture

I will use the period of my deanship to lay foundation for a better Faculty of Agriculture.
My Vision for the Faculty is encapsulated in a three-point agenda namely:
effective faculty administration; Teaching, learning and research, and fund generation and Management.  The core Values of the faculty under my watch would be openness, teamwork and accountability.  We will prioritize staff and students welfare. I have already set up a committee to review our staff welfare scheme. We are going to form a public complainant committee to handle complainants of victimization involving both staff and students.   Under my watch, staff will be promoted on merit, not on the basis of friendship. 
Hold me accountable for any file that sleeps on my table for 24hours. We are going to revive all moribund operations in the Faculty. I have challenged our farm operations unit to go into complete production. 
My administration will initiate the process of having a befitting Faculty building, relying on goodwill of our alumni and friends to mobilize funds for the project. Under my watch, the Faculty is going to pursue Institution Based Grants with incentives to participating staff.  To generate revenue, we will set up strategic partnership and consultancy committee.
At the end of my tenure we will throw a scorecard and render account of our stewardship. This has never happened in the Faculty.  
I would want to be remembered as one who laid the foundation for accountability and transparency in our faculty's administration.

Prof Nnanyelugo Okoro

Dean Arts

Faculty business is a very serious business, so we are going to adopt business approach to solve the problems of our Faculty.  Re-roofing our Faculty building is paramount to my administration. We will also make effort to provide office spaces for our staff and get alternative power source to eliminate generator music in our environment.  To achieve our vision, we are going to leverage on the goodwill of the university administration and the UNN brand   to mobilize our alumni and friends for funds and sponsorship.  We can also access funds from TETfund with the help of the University administration.
At the end of my tenure I would like to be remembered as a Dean who met a Faculty lacking in many things and left the faculty better than he met it. 
Nnanyelugo Okoro is a Professor of Mass Communication. He joined the services of the University as an Assistant Lecturer in 1994.  He rose through the ladder and was appointed a Professor of the University in 2011. Prior to his appointment, he had served as a two-time Head, Department of Mass Communication from 2004-2007 and from 2012-2013 

Prof Onyemaechi Valentine Ekechukwu

Dean Faculty of Engineering
My vision as the new Dean is what I like to call my ''Modest Promises'' and these promises of mine will place the faculty in an enviable position during and after my tenure: they are
Building linkages and collaborations- I will utilize all contact available to me to establish formal linkages with foreign and local universities with focus on career development and capacity building of junior academics and students. I hope to attract high net-worth individuals and agencies to activities of our faculty.

Expansion of PG programme- I shall pursue the establishment of new BEng programmes in my faculty. The faculty currently has six existing department and I intend to add nine other programmes such as Chemical, Petroleum, Automotive, power, Aerospace, Telecom, Bio-Medical, Mechatronics and computer Engineering to it. This expansion will place the faculty as a foremost faculty of Engineering in Nigeria.

Staff promotion- under my watch as the Dean, staff promotions shall be cardinal in implementation and transparency. No staff of Faculty of Engineering will suffer any career advancement injustice as this is a personal fundamental commitment for me.
After my tenure as the Dean I will like to be remembered as one who changed the face of the faculty through innovation and one who built strong capacity in improving the lives of all the young academics in the faculty.
Onyemaechi Valentine Ekechukwu is a professor of Mechanical Engineering; he became a professor in 2001 and was a former Director of Research and Innovation, National Universities Commission. He is currently the Dean faculty of Engineering.

Prof. Felix Nzube Chukwuneke

Dean, Faculty of Dentistry
My vision is to promote and build a Faculty that will be academically and socially accountable through exemplary leadership role, team work and collaboration in education, clinical research and patient care in order to produce well trained doctors, researchers, and oral health care professionals that meet the world standard.
The core values of my administration include:
Obligation to Duty: Good conduct and ethical behavior among students and staff to ensure that administrative and academic work is done with punctuality, integrity, honesty and sincerity.
Professional Responsibility: The students must be taught properly and the needful done while the administrative arm has to leave up to expectation for the system to work.
Flourishing Human Relationship: University is a bit like a hive of bees. Each person in the university system has his or her particular role to play and each role links in together allowing good academic programmes to function.
Service to Humanity: Compassion is the hallmark of dental and medical practice. While individual doctors have their own personal beliefs and values, there are certain professional values on which all doctors are expected to base their practice.
Felix Nzube Chukwuneke is a Bioethicist and a Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. At present he is the Chairman College of Medicine Research Ethics Committee (COMREC) and was recently appointed Chair, UNESCO Bioethics unit at the College of Medicine. Prof. Chukwuneke is the first Alumnus Professor/Dean of Faculty of Dentistry.

Prof Ugwoke Ngwoke

Dean Faculty of Education
The problem of office space for a good number of staff and academic leadership are primary to my administration. I intend to solve the problem of academic leadership by strengthening the PG programme of our Faculty.  I believe that our PG programmes should be enforced for all academic staff in every department.  We can also strengthen   academic leadership through building strong mentorship system and by getting new staff to fall in line in terms of academic development.
My Mission statement is to create programmes that will meet current world best practices, to get the academic programme leadership in tandem with best practices across the globe and to get the accommodation problem solved as much as possible.
At the end of my tenure, I want to be remembered for providing office accommodation for the staff and for strengthening the programmes on ground, creating more programmes and of course staff welfare as regards promotion.
Prof Ugwoke Ngwoke started his services with the University as a Lecturer II in the Department of Educational Foundations in 1992. He rose through the ladder to become a Professor of the university.  Prior to his appointment as the Dean, Prof. Ngwoke had served as the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education (2006-2008); Acting Head of the Department of Educational Foundations (2012-2013) and reappointed Acting Head of Department (2013-2014).

Prof. Sabinus Oscar Eze

Dean Faculty of Biological Science
My vision is to eradicate the challenge of light by providing a sound proof generator that will serve the faculty, tackle the poor supply of WIFI to enable me boost the quality of research publication of our staff and also give the faculty an environmental face lift which will make it the cleanest faculty on campus.
It is my desire to design a faculty website for the faculty journal that has been in existence for over 15 years for better indexing and accessibility of the journal. I will ensure the faculty of Biological Sciences upgrades their service delivery as the Faculty renders academic services to seven other faculties.
At the end of my tenure, I want to be remembered as one who effected positive change in the Faculty.
Professor Sabinus Eze is the incumbent Dean Faculty of Biological Sciences. He was the former Associate Dean of the Faculty and a Fellow of the Matsume International Foundation of Japan. He is a professor at the Department of Biochemistry of the University of Nigeria and a visiting Professor at Godfrey Okoye University Enugu. He became a professor in 2014 and obtained all his degrees from the University of Nigeria. He obtained his Post-doctorial training from the Department of Parasitology, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan.

Professor Oliver C. Ojinnaka, Dean,

Faculty of Environmental Studies
Prof Oliver Chinagoro Ojinnaka joined the services of the University of Nigeria   as lecturer-1 in 1987. He rose through the ranks to become a Professor in  2008. He has served as consultant in hydrographic surveying, hydraulics and engineering survey to many companies and institutions. He has also served as Acting of Head of Department, Associate Dean Student Affairs and in many University, National and international committees.

 Professor Sebastian Okwuchukwu Ekenze,
Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences
My mission is to uplift the status and global visibility of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Nigeria Nsukka and to ensure that the activities, programmes, and products of the Faculty are globally revered Sebastian Okwuchukwu Ekenze is a Professor of Paediatrics Surgery. He joined the services of the University of Nigeria in 2005 as Lecturer-1and was appointed a Professor of the University in 2013. Until his appointment as the Dean, Prof Ekenze had served as the Head, Department of Paediatric.

Prof. Anthony Amaechi Attama

Dean Pharmaceutical Sciences
The lingering problem in my Faculty is the pending accreditation from Pharmacy Council of Nigeria, this is a priority  for my administration.

My Mission is to achieve academic excellence in the Faculty.  I intend to increase quality of our international collaborations. I have arrangements in place to bring in a Professor from a South African University by October to sign MOU with the Faculty in order to develop collaborative researches. I also intend to use my contacts in UK, Australia and South Africa to strengthen collaborations between our Faculty and the external world.
I would like to be remembered for entrenching research culture in the faculty such that there will be a research focus and direction. I also want to be remembered for exposing young academics in our faculty to international recognition.  My desire is to have tangible drugs produced in the faculty before the end of my tenure. I will make sure our pilot production unit is empowered to translate our researches into product; this will enhance industrial collaborations.
Prof. Anthony Amaechi Attama joined the services of the University in February 1995 as a graduate assistant in the Department of Pharmaceutics, since then he has moved through the ranks and became a Professor in 2009.  Prior to his appointment as Dean, Prof. Attama had served as the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2008-2010); Head of the Department of Pharmaceutics (2010-2013), and the Director, Education and innovation unit.

Prof Uchechukwu Chris Okoro

Dean Faculty of Physical Science
My vision can be better explained as a five point agenda.
I want to enhance the teaching and learning process of the faculty.
Upgrade the quality of research publication by tackling the challenge of power outage and wifi which would help curb the loss of man power.
 Render community service through consultancy and offer marketable product from the faculty to the University community and beyond.
I will also Implement key performance indicator that will assess staff output and guarantee job satisfaction through the provision of necessary work equipment and office space.
Besides my five point agenda, I am passionate about fostering and instilling peace amongst my staff which I believe will enhance their work productivity. At the end of my tenure, I will like posterity to remember me as a man who advocated for peace.
Professor Uchechukwu Chris Okoro obtained his BSC (Hons) and PhD in chemistry from the University of Lagos and University of Nigeria respectively. He joined the University of Nigeria in 1983 and became a professor in 2010. He was a onetime Commissioner of Education of Enugu state, a former Head of Department of Chemistry and the current Dean Faculty of Physical Sciences.

Prof.  Leonard Ifeanyi Ugwu

Dean Faculty of the Social Sciences
My vision for the Faculty of the Social Sciences is to organize Faculty Lecture series where some well meaning Nigerians will be invited to share their views with our staff and also help us solve some of our problems.
Due to the Impact Factor policy, some of my staff are stagnant, I will invite some people to give public lectures on how to go about it. 
I will ensure regular production of Faculty Journals where people can publish their articles. My target is to make sure the journals are indexed.

We will also make efforts to renovate our Faculty Hall to improve the ambience of our environment and create office spaces for our staff.
After my tenure, I will like to be remembered for my open door policy, promotion of welfare of my staff and putting structure that will outlive my administration and my generation. 
Professor Ugwu joined the services of the University of Nigeria as a Senior Lecturer in 30th of November 2008. Prior to his appointment as Dean, he had served as the Head, Department of Psychology, 2009-2011 and as the Associate Dean, Faculty of the Social Science, 2016-2018.   

Professor John Anaelom  Nwanta

Dean, Faculty  of Veterinary Medicine
My mission is to develop alternative ways of improving our teaching and research facilities in our laboratories and farm. Also, I will give attention to ways of sourcing for fund to develop the Faculty. To achieve this feat, I intend to organise a homecoming in the Faculty where some eminent alumni and Professors, both from the faculty and outside the faculty will be honoured. I want to activate some linkages for effective collaboration in order to encourage exchange programmes between our faculty and other faculties in UNN and similar faculties in other universities.  This  will help our staff and students secure training opportunities and conferences both nationally and internationally.
“I will develop the Veterinary Research Farm in order to liaise with National Animal Production Research Institute, Zaira, where I can procure upgraded livestock for our poultry farm to ensure maximum productivity and research output".
At the end of my tenure "I will like to be remembered as one who made the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine a robust one through sound research and teaching which will bring the faculty to an international standard.
Prior to his appointment as Dean, Professor J. A. Nwanta had worked for The University of Nigeria Nsukka since 2005 and had served as Head of Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine for eight years..

Prof Emmanuel Osinem

Dean Vocational and Technical Education
My vision is to move the Faculty to an enviable height in TVET Educator Programme delivery, research and extension services and be ranked among top three faculties in UNN and maintain number one position among faculties of its nature in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa.  
To achieve our vision, we will embark on strategic Research and innovative projects that will enhance the visibility of the faculty and thus generate goodwill, interventions from within and outside Nigeria, more international linkages and collaborations.
We are going to explore resources and opportunities of national and international agencies. Already, the Faculty has 11 international projects coordinated by our staff. We have set up a secretariat for International Project Coordination to expand our contacts. We have also set up Business Development Centre Committee to revive our business centers. 
At the end of my tenure, I will like to be remembered for the impact my programmes and projects created in enhancing teaching, learning and research. I will like to be remembered for the impact I would make in building a crop of vibrant academic.
Emmanuel Osinem is a Professor of Agric Education; he joined the services of the University of Nigeria as Lecturer II in 1997 and was appointed a Professor in 2009. Prof Osinem had served as the Coordinator of Agric Education Unit under the Faculty of Education. He was the pioneer HOD, Agric Education in the New Faculty of VTE. Until his appointment as the Dean of VTE, Prof Osinem was the Director of CETVETAR.    

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