SUG UNN Brings Resolution to BVN Saga...

COMR. UCHEAGWU SANDRA, SUG Vice-President, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

The incessant complaints of the Lions and lionesses of this great citadel has remained a burden on the shoulders of the SUG UNN Executives ever since the inception of this saga.

Secretary General, SUG UNN.

Thursday 20th September, 2018.

Our Ref: UNN/SUG18/AA/065
As expected, the SUG UNN Executives had to take very radical and proactive steps in order to ameliorate this menace which includes:

1. Series of meeting and Consultation.
Ever since this saga the executive council of SUG UNN has had over three executive meetings and various consultations with heads of various units which led to gathering of vast data, that was well documented and forwarded to the Dean on the morning of Thursday 20th September, 2018.

The research showed that:
According to the CBN Regulatory Framework for BVN (18th October, 2015)

Section 1.4 Subsections 1:
States that the categories of participants for BVN shall be limited to only specific financial institutions.

Section 2.4 Subsections 1, Paragraph 3:
States only these financial institutions shall have the right to capture retrieve and process BVN of customers.

Furthermore, our investigatory research show that the BVN serves as a terminal point of authentication in many transactions, hence unauthorized access to one's BVN could lead to gross fraud,  theft and other unscrupulous activities and on this ground the SUG UNN Executives led by her Vice President: COMR. UCHEAGWU SANDRA submitted the following facts to the Dean of Students Affairs this morning:

A.         BVN collection and use is not applicable to academic institutions.

B.         BVN data collection by academic institutions is a direct contravention to the CBN regulatory             framework of BVN and as such could lead to legal crimes.

C.         BVN collection and use by the University is highly prone to hacking and could lead to          significant fraud, theft and other unscrupulous activities and as such should be abolished as it   threatens financial Security.

On these grounds the Executive Council of SUG UNN frowned against the BVN Policy.

This promoted an emergency meeting between the University administration and the SUG government of both campuses for the discussion of BVN and other undergraduate concerns.

In the meeting, the Dean motioned the administration on the facts concerning the BVN policy as submitted by the Executives of SUG UNN.

The Administration expressed great awe as to this discovery and took a bold step to implement measures AGAINST the BVN Policy and promised to conclude its resolutions as prompt as possible.

We appreciate the Concerted efforts of our amiable Dean, Prof. S. I. Ofoefule for cooperating with the SUG UNN in ameliorating the BVN menace.

We also appreciate your criticisms and applauding remarks in this season. One thing is certain, as long as the Sun keeps shining, your interest would remain the priority of SUG UNN!

Keep praying for us, we need it most now!
Long live Students Unionism!
Long live SUG UNN,
Long live University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

Vice President, SUG UNN.

Secretary General, SUG UNN.

Information Officer.


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