The 2019 Elsevier/JQRST Raymond Viskanta Award on Radiation Transfer

The 2019 Elsevier/JQRST Raymond Viskanta Award on Radiation Transfer

This Elsevier Raymond Viskanta Award on Radiation Transfer in the category of Radiative Transfer is named after Professor Raymond Viskanta of Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana, USA) to honor his profound contributions to the field of Radiative Transfer since 1950s.
The Raymond Viskanta Award on Radiation Transfer for 2019 is open to early-career scientists and engineers who work on the theory and application of radiative transfer. There will be one award to be presented at the 9th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, RAD-19 in Athens, Greece (3-7 June 2019).
A nominee:
  • can be an undergraduate, a graduate or a post-graduate student, or in his/her early career path with an outstanding record of scholarship and/or applications;
  • has not received a JQSRT Young Scientist Award previously;
  • has published in JQSRT previously, although this requirement may be relaxed in exceptional cases;
  • must be under 37 years of age on June 1, 2019 and must have finished his/her PhD within the 10 years preceding that date;
  • must present a paper at RAD-19;
  • must attend the award ceremony at RAD-19.
The recipients of the Raymond Viskanta Award on Radiation Transfer will receive a monetary prize of USD 750 and an official certificate. The winner will be selected by a Committee, whose members include two JQSRT Editors-in-Chief and four JQSRT Associate Editors.
The complete nomination package of a candidate should be e-mailed to M.P. Mengüç ( by April 1st, 2019. The package, in the form of a single PDF file, should include a cover letter, the CV, up to three letters of support, and up to 5 best peer-reviewed journal papers.

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