3-Day Mandatory Orientation/Training For All Graduate Assistants And Assistant Lecturers

3-Day Mandatory Orientation/Training For All Graduate Assistants And Assistant Lecturers


University of Nigeria Nsukka in collaboration with University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa is organizing a mandatory orientation/training for all Graduate Assistants and Assistant Lecturers in University of Nigeria.
Date: November 12-14, 2018 .
Venue: Princess Alexandria Auditorium (PAA), UNN.
The training will address potential challenges that affect the performance and career advancement of these early career researchers. It will also equip them with skills necessary to operate in a University environment in the 21st Century where internationalization of skills and operations is the norm.
As such, the training will give the junior lecturers an overview of the 21st Century career imperatives including international best practices guided by a research development framework. Seasoned senior professors, top University Management and experts will guide them through the essential constituents for a robust academic and research profile in today’s increasingly competitive world. Participants will interrogate the practical implications of the retreat themes
Graduate Assistants and Assistant Lecturers should sign up for the mandatory training by completing the form from this link on or before 2ndNovember, 2018.  Other categories of academic staff who are interested in the training could also sign up for it using the form. For further inquiries, please contact :

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